March 24, 2008 – Shayne Newman, CLP, CLT, president and CEO of YardScapes, Inc., in New Milford, northwestern Connecticut’s leading provider of residential and commercial landscaping services, announced that his company will participate in “GreenCare for Troops” in the New Milford area. Project EverGreen is a nationwide outreach program initiated to connect local area lawn and landscape firms with families of the men and women serving their country in the armed forces. “We’ve participated in ‘GreenCare for Troops’ for several years to help local military families while their loved ones are in the military,” stated Newman.
The ambition of the “GreenCare for Troops” program is to ease the stress of week to week lawn and landscaping maintenance by finding companies like YardScapes to help local families with this important task. “Lawn and landscape maintenance,” explained Newman, “becomes a definite hardship when a family’s primary breadwinner is on active duty and away from home.”
Newman intends to provide that same high quality of service to military families in the New Milford area. “Participation by local families is limited,” he stated, “however, all a family needs to do is contact us to apply for our services.”
Studies show that the many benefits of well maintained plants are lower blood pressure, reduction of muscle tension related to stress, improved attention, and reduced feelings of fear and anger. “These are symptoms many families of our military personnel experience on a regular basis,” states Newman. “Assisting them by maintaining an orderly, pleasurable and healthy lawn and property, contributes to their general good health, and overall well being during a very stressful time in all their lives. It’s a sincere gesture of support.”
Based in Minnesota, Project EverGreen is a national non-profit organization that represents green industry service providers, associations, suppliers, distributors, media companies, and other organizations and individuals. Its’ mission is to raise awareness of the environmental, economic and lifestyle benefits of landscapes, and promote the significance of those who preserve and enhance green spaces at home, work and recreation. The organization strives to inform consumers on the positive effects of well-maintained green space, including lawns and landscapes, sports turf, golf courses and parks.
Project EverGreen sponsors programs with Habitat for Humanity, athletic field renovation projects and green industry scholarships. It also recognizes individuals and communities with exceptional green spaces through its Stewardship, Because Green Matters and America in Bloom awards.
Military families interested in applying for supportive lawn care services can contact “GreenCare for Troops” directly toll free at (877) 758-4835, or apply on line to Project EverGreen The number of families eligible to receive assistance is limited.