YardScapes staff, friends, and business associates came together on Saturday, May 7th to clean and spruce up a few area non-profit organizations.
Renewal & Remembrance 2021
“To be able to volunteer on a national cemetery, a place where people come to honor and visit their loved ones, and to know that we’re helping maintain and enhance a place that is so sacred and has the power to heal those who come to visit, that’s pretty powerful,” said Shayne Newman founder of […]
YardScapes at Arlington National Cemetery and The National Mall
The Spectrum April 16, 2021
YardScapes Landscape Professionals is planning its 13th Annual Spring Day of Service on Saturday, April 24.
Adapting is the New Planning
In the fourth free COVID-19 webinar hosted by NALP, CEO Britt Wood talked with industry executives Shayne Newman, president of YardScapes, Inc. and NALP President-Elect, John Guth, vice president of lawn at Green Lawn Fertilizing, LLC and Todd Pugh, CEO and founder of Enviroscapes, who shared their strategies for running a business in the middle of a pandemic.
For the center
Published 12:00 am, Tuesday, January 9, 2018 in the New Milford Spectrum YardScapes in New Milford recently presented the Pratt Nature Center in town a check for $10,000. Funds were raised at YardScapes’ 12th annual Quad-Am Golf Classic held at Bulls Bridge Golf Club in South Kent. Above, Shayne Newman, founder and host of the classic, […]
Indoor Children & ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’
Renewal & Remembrance 2014
Certification Matters
It may be impossible to quantify how becoming “certified” in the landscape industry will affect your bottom line, but what is certain is that more commercial and government accounts demand certifications by established service providers. Certification is a positive force in elevating service levels within the various segments of the green industry. While industry professionals […]
Special Thanks
Last year we thought we’d mix it up a little and do something different for Earth Day. We held a contest for green-space renewals, received submissions, and then spent the next seven weeks deliberating. Nominations rather than submissions came in on behalf deserving nonprofits, family and friends. It really was a collaborative effort. We were […]
Praises YardScapes for its Earth Day efforts
To the Editor: The Education Center of the United Methodist Church would like to send a huge thank you to all of the employees and volunteers of YardScapes Landscaping. Our center was a recipient of YardScapes’ fourth annual PLANET (Professional Landcare Network) Day of Service Contest. Shayne Newman, the owner of Yardapes, visited our center on several occasions to discuss […]
‘Offers thanks for ‘generous gift’ from YardScapes
To the Editor: “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 N.I.V. Recently we were the recipients of a wonderful gift. Shayne Newman‘s YardScapes chose Northville Baptist Church to receive a day of spring cleanup service by their team and […]
PLANET Day of Service 2014 spurs 90 project completions
Type #PLANETDOS into your Facebook or Twitter search bar and you’ll see evidence the Green Industry was busy on Earth Day, April 22. Off screen, the evidence was in the form of around 90 projects completed in 24 states at an estimated value of $400,000 as part of the Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) Day of Service 2014. An initiative that encourages landscape […]
Day of Service set by YardScapes
YardScapes Inc. in New Milford will once again participate April 22 in Professional Landcare Network Day of Service. Entries will be accepted through April 1. The landscape firm needs time to assess the nature of the projects, order materials and mobilize volunteers. The event is held in celebration of Earth Day. YardScapes founder Shayne Newman, along with his firm’s team […]
New Milford, CT. April 23, 2012—In celebration of Earth Day, YardScapes’ team of volunteers revitalized the green-spaces of two area non-profit organizations and one area homeowner. “We received great submissions from our area nonprofits and homeowners,” YardScapes founder Shayne Newman said in a statement, regarding his firm’s Day of Service contest. Contest winners of the need-based […]
Williams joins YardScapes staff
YardScapes Inc. in New Milford recently hired J. Scott Williams as a landscape architect and account manager. Williams brings 17 years of experience in the industry to the full-service landscape design, construction and maintenance company. “We are excited to welcome Scott to our team,” saidShayne Newman, founder and president of the firm. “He brings an incredible variety of successful project […]
YardScapes to Enhance Green Spaces of Abbey at Regina Laudis as PLANET Day of Service Project
Posted: Monday, April 16, 2012 12:00 am NEW MILFORD — The Professional Landcare Network (PLANET), a national lawn and landscape association, is sponsoring a nationwide Day of Service on Friday, April 20. Members of PLANET are organizing volunteer lawn and landscape projects in communities across the country, including New Milford and Bethlehem. Read more
Winterizing Properties
YardScapes, Inc. Receives 2012 Best of New Milford Award
For the fourth consecutive year YardScapes, Inc. has been selected for the Best of New Milford Award in the Landscaping category by the US Commerce Association (USCA). Nationwide, only 1 in 250 (less than half of 1%) 2012 Award recipients qualified as Four Time Award Winners. The USCA “Best of Local Business” Award Program recognizes […]
YardScapes Mentioned in the Wall Street Journal
YardScapes was back in the nation spotlight again (albeit in a small way) with a mention in this recent article in the Wall Street Journal. Looks like these New Milford boys give you some of the best bang for your lawn-mowing buck!
YardScapes’ Earth Day Outreach
NEW MILFORD—In celebration of Earth Day, YardScapes’ team of volunteers revitalized the greenspaces of two area non-profit organizations and one area homeowner. “We received great submissions from our area nonprofits and homeowners,” YardScapes founder Shayne Newman said in a statement, regarding his firm’s Day of Service contest. Contest winners of the need-based initiative were determined […]
New Milford, CT. February 13, 2012—YardScapes founder Shayne Newman, along with his firm’s team of volunteers, will revitalize the green-spaces of one area non-profit organization and one area homeowner, Friday April 20th 2012. The Day of Service Contest is a need-based initiative. Contest winners, determined and vetted by Mr. Newman and his staff, must demonstrate a […]
Dispatches from Harrybrooke Park
SPECTRUM/Shayne Newman of YardScapes Landscaping in New Milford explains his staff’s volunteer involvement in a community cleanup at Harrybrooke Park in New Milford on Earth Day, April 22, 2011. Photo: Norm Cummings / The News-Times
Landscape Management Recognizes YardScapes’ Community Service Projects
YardScapes’ team of volunteers this Earth Day has expanded to include: Peter Montgomery of Montgomery Gardens in Warren, CT, Matt Johnson of Aspetuck Tree & Landscape in New Milford, CT, J. Scott Williams, Landscape Architect, Brookfield, CT, New Milford resident Matt Vogt, and Newtown, CT, resident Travis Ranson… Read more
YardScapes receives award
NEW MILFORD, Conn. –YardScapes received the best large business award from the Greater New Milford Chamber of Commerce at the chamber’s Crystal Winter Gala. Each year, the award is given to a business that provides outstanding service to both the chamber and the community. “I started out with a lawnmower and a truck,” said Shayne Newman, […]
YardScapes to revitalize green spaces
YardScapes owner Shayne Newman and his company’s team of volunteers will revitalize the green spaces of one area nonprofit organization and one area homeowner April 20. The Day of Service Contest is a need-based initiative. Contest winners, determined and vetted by Mr. Newman and his staff, must demonstrate a need for a green space renewal and revitalization. Last year’s […]
YardScapes’ Operations Manager featured in Green Industry Pros
PRODUCT REVIEW: Ferris IS 3100Z Series Zero-Turn Mower BY Gregg Wartgow Connecticut contractor says increased horsepower and improved operator comfort is making a difference. Tom Tuminelli, operations manager with YardScapes in New Milford, CT, is trying out a new mower this year: the Ferris IS 3100Z. Tuminelli purchased three of the mowers, which are now being […]
YardScapes landscape renovation featured in Consumer Reports
Consumer Reports calls YardScapes’ founder Shayne Newman’s landscape renovation, “backyard bliss.” The “before” and “after” transformation of Newman’s property was featured in Consumer Reports’: 5 easy ways to enjoy your yard more and maintain it less A Consumer Reports survey found almost a third of homeowners who made changes to their lawn in the last […]
Bringing Families Together – Under the stars
It’s become increasingly more difficult to talk to my older daughters. They’re 15 and 13, and quiet. (My youngest is four years old and never at a loss for words.) I struggle to meet them at their level, to engage them in conversation beyond the topical. I have to say, the fire pit has been […]
YardScapes, Inc. referenced in Consumer Reports
Reduce the size of your lawn—and your yard work 5 easy ways to enjoy your yard more and maintain it less Consumer Reports magazine: May 2013 America’s love for lawns is alive and well, but more of us are letting other features into the yard. In a nationally representative Consumer Reports survey, almost a third […]
Praises YardScapes as ‘Miracle Workers’
We were thrilled to read this letter of thanks from the executive director of the Children’s Center in New Milford. We are heartened and deeply gratified when our outreach efforts make a difference. Read the original post on the New Milford Spectrum. Dear YardScapes Landscaping Day of Service team, it has been two weeks since […]
‘Get out there,’ but be ‘prepared’
The winter that wasn’t. Almost every state had a warmer-than-usual January, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. So, excepting those who rely on snow removal for the season’s income, the weekend warrior of the winter sport variety, or kids desperate to sled, build snowmen or make snow angels, it’s safe to say 2012′s uneventful […]
YardScapes, Inc. Receives 2012 Best of New Milford Award
NEW YORK, NY, April 10, 2012 — For the fourth consecutive year, YardScapes, Inc. has been selected for the 2012 Best of New Milford Award in the Landscaping category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA). Nationwide, only 1 in 250 (less than half of 1%) 2012 Award recipients qualified as Four-Time Award Winners. The USCA […]
New Milford Chamber of Commerce’s Best Large Business: YardScapes, Inc.
SPECTRUM/YardScapes, Inc. of New Milford is feted by the Greater New Milford Chamber of Commerce with its Large Business Award. YardScapes president Shayne Newman, second from left in back, is joined by staff during the Chamberís 14th annual Crystal Winter Gala, Jan. 28, 2012 at the Candlewood Inn in Brookfield. Celebrating their award are, from […]
HERNDON, Va., November 27, 2011 – The Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) announces that Greg Kaiser, who is employed by YardScapes, Inc., in New Milford, Connecticut, has earned the Landscape Industry Certified Lawn Care Technician and is now nationally certified. Candidates pass two proctored exams covering all aspects of caring for the varieties of turf used in cool season lawns. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices are […]
Reconnecting With the Outdoors
Radical weather patterns. Shifts in natural laws. If you are given to signs and calendar predictions set in motion 104,000 years ago, it’s not looking good for us. I’m not that guy. I say we’re experiencing fallout from global warming. And, we’ve happened to have a bad run. That’s not to diminish the hardship and loss experienced by […]
New Milford, CT, August 1, 2011 — Shayne Newman, member of the Professional Landcare Network (PLANET), participated in PLANET’s Legislative Day on the Hill July 24-26, 2011. PLANET partnered with the Irrigation Association, as well as the Tree Care Industry Association. Supporting the event at the Platinum Level was Syngenta, whose goal is “bringing together our world leading […]
YardScapes Founder Featured on Green Industry Pros.com
We go to great lengths to build and maintain a crew of highly trained, motivated and experienced professionals who take pride in their work. That goal is impossible without engendering a culture of respect and integrity…Read more
New Milford, CT, August 1, 2011 — Shayne Newman, a member of the Professional Landcare Network (PLANET), participated in Renewal & Remembrance at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, July 25, 2011. Four hundred landscape and lawn care professionals, hailing from twenty-nine states, converged at Arlington National Cemetery to revitalize its grounds. Volunteers spent the day mulching, upgrading sprinklers, cabling […]
YardScapes featured in Life@Home Magazine
YardScapes work featured in Life @Home’s Problem: Solved. What was a gravel driveway in now a beautiful green-space to better enjoy the lake views. Dramatic transformation. Happy homeowners. Click here for photos
See what the boss has to say on the matter of reviving our lawns
This winter was unrelenting. Record snowfall. Record rainfall. Record inconveniences. But in a global context, we know it could have been worse. When we’re in the middle of it, however — flooded house, leaking roof, road cleaved in two — perspective is hard won…Read more
CT Landscape Firm Supports PLANET’S Day of Service with Local Green-Space Renewal
New Milford, CT. April 10, 2011—This Earth Day, April 22, 2011, YardScapes’ team of volunteers will revitalize the green-spaces of two area non-profit organizations and one area homeowner. “We received great submissions from our area nonprofits and homeowners,” YardScapes founder Shayne Newman said in a statement. “Unlike our nonprofits that are sustained by community outreach and […]
YardScapes Earth Day Contest Referenced in The Litchfield County Times
A Planet member and Landcare Network Public Relations Committee Chairperson, Mr. Newman is a recognized leader in community service contributions throughout the year. The YardScapes founder became a “Day of Service” charter participant with the central mission of “demonstrating goodwill and environmental stewardship in revitalizing the places where people live, work, and play… Read more
YardScapes Earth Day Contest Referenced in The Greater New Milford Spectrum
“My employees are excited to help out the community,” Mr. Newman said, “and I am proud that they are willing to donate their time and energy during the gear up of our busy spring season… Read more
YardScapes Earth Day Contest referenced in Danbury News-Times
This Earth Day, April 22, YardScapes founder Shayne Newman – along with his firm’s team of volunteers – will revitalize the green spaces of one local nonprofit organization and one local homeowner. I think that’s a pretty sweet offer. The Day of Service Contest is a need-based initiative. Contest winners, determined and vetted by Newman and his […]
New Milford, CT. February 24, 2011—This Earth Day, April 22, 2011, YardScapes founder Shayne Newman, along with his firm’s team of volunteers, will revitalize the green-spaces of one area non-profit organization and one area homeowner. The Day of Service Contest is a need-based initiative. Contest winners, determined and vetted by Mr. Newman and his staff, […]
Local talent proves its worth in New York City
From The New Milford Spectrum by Susan Tuz, Staff Writer Specialty touches were need to do the job right. Thus, when former New Milford resident Mark Verrastro was overseeing the construction of an eco-friendly, Hudson Valley design cottage on the Hudson River in New York City, he called on old friends from his hometown. The unique […]
Now is the time to ‘revive’ lawns and gardens
From The New Milford Spectrum by Shayne Newman, Contributing Writer This has not been a banner year for our lawns and gardens. If you love gardening like me, or you simply love the result of someone else’s work in your garden — that would be my wife –then I can imagine you’re feeling a little […]
YardScapes Founder Named As Finalist In National Publication’s ‘Landscaper Of The Year’ Contest
Shayne Newman, founder of YardScapes, Inc. is among the 12 finalists chosen by the Total Landscape Care editorial staff in recognition of “exemplifying the highest standards of landscape professionals, including business acumen, marketing and equipment management expertise, attention to safety and community involvement,” according to Glenn R. DiNella, editor, Total Landscape Care. “I am honored to be in […]
A Place To Play
From the New Milford SpectrumNew Milford children have a new place to play –the Creative Playground on Pickett District Road. The old playground was razed and a new one was put up last fall. In recognition of Earth Day last month, YardScapes Landscaping recently paid a visit to the site to provide landscaping. Although the playground […]