“We believe that everyone everywhere benefits from a connection with nature.” That’s our philosophy and we live it every day not just on Earth Day, which is this Thursday, April 22. Helping our clients create a yardscape that they genuinely enjoy and look forward to spending time in, while also being good stewards of the land, is a reward we do not take lightly. We all know that natural green spaces are beneficial to our health, and creating and maintaining beautiful outdoor spaces while respecting the planet is what we look forward to doing every day. Now that the warmer weather is here we’re as busy as the bees kicking off the green season and ensuring our clients properties are healthy, beautiful, and ready for their enjoyment from sunup to sundown! -Shayne
“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” – Greek proverb
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are not yet comfortable with having our regular day of service and post-event cookout but we still want to do what we can for our communities.
Please join us and the BNI Business Bobcats of Danbury on Saturday, April 24th for a Litter Pick-Up! It’s easy to participate and all are welcome no matter where you live!
- Join us online for the 9:00AM Zoom Kick-Off meeting (RSVP on our Facebook page or email us to get the Zoom link)
- Grab a trash bag (or two)
- Pick up the litter in front of your home, on your street, place of business, favorite park, playground, or outdoor recreation spot.
- Take a photo of your bag(s) of trash and send them to us at info@yardscapeslandscape.com or TAG us on social media #YardScapesLandscape
- Recycle appropriate items and properly discard the rest
- SMILE! you just did a great thing!
PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FOR: Most Litter Picked Up, Most Unique Piece of Litter, Family Involvement, Largest Area Cleaned
CLICK for Facebook Event
Skillful mulch application will enhance the appearance of your yardscape almost immediately. It also has numerous benefits such as:
- Upgrades the areas mulched with a clean and neat look.
- Suppresses weeds by blocking sunlight that causes their seeds to germinate.
- Reduces the amount of evaporation from the soil, which requires less watering.
- Insulates root systems during the winter and keeps them cool in summer.
- Adds organic matter to the soil as it decomposes.
- Reduces erosion and allows rainfall to absorb into the soil at a better rate than a bare surface.
National Arbor Day is April 30th and you can easily celebrate this day dedicated to trees! If you can’t plant a tree, you can easily learn more about them. We encourage the planting of native species and can help offer some tips on selecting the right tree for the right space, how to plant it, and the best practices to care for it so it will thrive and be a beautiful addition to your yardscape. We are excited to celebrate this day – a day dedicated to trees!
The Arbor Day Foundation website is the nation’s go-to resource for all things trees! They are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization dedicated to making our world greener and healthier. Let us know if you can’t find the information you seek regarding choosing and planting your trees.
16th Annual Quad-Am
Golf Classic!
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Bull’s Bridge Golf Club, South Kent
Registration is Open!
Sponsorships Welcomed!
Donations Appreciated!
for the Raffle & Silent Auction
Email golf@yardscapeslandscape.com
with any questions or comments
Click HERE for complete information & forms!