YardScapes would like to extend its thanks to the 2011 volunteers who made the third annual PLANET (Professional Landcare Network) Day of Service a success…Read More
YardScapes Landscaping staffers Ramiro Parra, left, and Angel Guaman lay down a new path near the estate house at Harrybrooke Park in New Milford as part of the landscapers’ volunteer participation in a nationwide day of service for Earth Day, April 22, 2011. Photo: Norm Cummings / The News-Times
Staff from YardScapes Landscaping in New Milford clears leaves from along the exit road at Harrybrooke Park in New Milford on Earth Day, April 22, 2011, as part of the landscapers’ volunteer participation in a nationwide day of service. Photo: Norm Cummings / The News-Times