This year the summer (or June) solstice happens on Sunday, June 20th and marks the official beginning of the long-awaited summer season! Hot days, warm nights, cool breezes, cold drinks and making memories are all on tap as we get outside and spend more time with friends and family once again. No more dressing in layers, slipping on ice or going to bed early because this is the season that most of us look forward to and anticipate all year. We hope you have a summer full of all the things you love the most. Have fun and be safe! –Shayne
“Some people say that, as summer approaches, we start to have weird ideas; we feel smaller because we spend more time out in the open air, and that makes us aware of how large the world is. The horizon seems farther away, beyond the clouds and the walls of our house. – Paulo Coelho
- A 20 minute watering 3-4 consecutive days per week is more efficient than daily watering during extreme heat and dry spells. Bonus: That conserves water!
- Infrequent watering helps grass develop stronger and deeper root systems.
- Grass clippings left on the lawn help to shade the soil.
- It is best to water before 10:00am or in the late afternoon.
- Lawns and plants left wet overnight can become susceptible to disease.
- Watering in the heat of the day only leads to evaporation.
- Drought tolerant plants need plenty of water their first year to establish good roots.
- Follow all state and local water bans when drought conditions are present.
We want your photos!
‘SCAPER of the Month and ‘SCAPER of the Year!!