Aeration is one of the most important maintenance practices we perform to promote a strong, healthy lawn. This service entails puncturing your lawn with small holes that allow water, nutrients and air to travel deeper into the soil which promotes strong, healthy roots, deters soil compacting, and helps eliminate thatch build-up. Most lawns require aeration only once a year but hard, highly-compact soil and clay-based soils may require aeration twice a year. During drought conditions, aeration helps water reach dry, thirsty roots. September is the optimum time to seed your lawn. Our “slice” seeding method works extremely well without completely disrupting your property. We slice through the sod and seed directly into the soil eliminating the need to strip existing sod, till the yard and lay an unsightly cover of straw. Slice seeding provides immediate seed-to-soil contact and results in much better germination and proper growth. Since the majority of annual weeds sprout in the spring, there are far fewer of them in the fall to compete with the new growing grass. Fall temperatures also help retain vital moisture needed for the tender roots and young blades to thrive and survive.
- Leaf and debris removal, fallen trees/limbs, brush overgrowth and stump removal
- Clean and prepare perennial and ornamental garden beds for their long dormancy
- Inspect plants and trees for signs of disease or insect problems
- Lawn seeding, grub control, aeration, fertilization, weed control and thatch removal
- Shutdown of irrigation systems and closing up of water features
- Deer repellent application
- Spring bulb planting
- Late fall mulching
Performing these services at the optimum time helps ensure the health and beauty of all the living things on your property. Give your landscape consultant a call today if you would like to inquire about adding any of these fall services.
“It is the glistening autumnal side of summer. I feel a cool vein in the breeze, which braces my thought, and I pass with pleasure over sheltered and sunny portions of the sand where the summer’s heat is undiminished, and I realize what a friend I am losing. ” – Henry David Thoreau.