New homeowners and those new to this area are often delighted to see deer along roadsides or in their yards. That is, until they see the unsightly and oftentimes irreversible damage the deer can do to their trees and plantings. There are many ways to deter deer from using your precious plants as their personal […]
The heat waves of summer are behind us with warm days and cool nights ahead. Autumn is approaching and that only means we still have a considerable amount of work to do. Fall is not only the perfect time to seed and feed your lawn, but it is also crucial to inspect and treat for […]
Oh Deer! How to Minimize Damage to Your Gardens
NO SLOWING DOWN Most of you have heard our exciting news about our name change that was recently publicly announced and I was both amazed and encouraged by all your positive responses and genuine messages of support. Our entire team is very excited about our new brand and it’s been hard to keep it secret […]